Monday, August 27, 2012

Best City for Senior Health?

We are learning that seniors can modify their brain heath by eating the right foods, getting aerobic exercise, and changing their activities and environments. I think that if cities competed for the best locale for seniors, Santa Fe just might win.

I thought this while on my early morning walk through the area surrounding the plaza, and then on a second, early afternoon walk along Canyon Road. The walks completely engaged my mind, and I anticipated finding another jewel around every turn.  And the jewels included art, architecture, and gardens. I also passed the oldest church in the United States as well as the oldest house, at least in Santa Fe, and stopped to learn a little about their history.  If I lived in Santa Fe, I would want to go to a different locale every day and walk until I couldn't put one foot in front of the other. And if I was rich, I'd want to stop at a different eatery every day and try out an entree I'd never had before. The city offers all sorts of cuisine, including that based on Indian foods,  and hotel chefs that compete to be the most famous. And I'd take shorts trips out into the countryside for even more stimulating activities.

Great mix of art and architecture 

Great Egrets

Statuary for sale

Street Art - just add water

Steel Art

Beautiful arch with view

Head from building blocks
San Miquel Church - build in 1610 by Talxcalan Indians
Oldest House
Artful arrangement
Apache Plume beauty

Graphic art as building detail

Leaf art

Architectural detail

Puma with geraniums
Statues for sale
Artful fountain
Resting rabbit
Storefront beauty
Scissors wins
Because of all the art, beautiful views, and wonderful food, I left Santa Fe felling exhilarated.  Now if I could find a spring, summer of fall job near this wonderful city, I'd be able to visit more of it. Past visits have made me want to see more of the surrounding area as well as other parts of the city. The railroad area is another place where one can spend an entire day when the farmer's market is open. And on one trip, I got to go to the International Folk Art Market, which was a wonderful experience. Then there must be hundreds of museums, galleries, and churches to visit. (We tried to visit the Native American Museum just across the street from our hotel, but it was closed on Tuesdays.) Several pueblos and archeological sites are nearby. A ride to Sandia Peak by the sky tram is a thrilling, scenic way to access the trails. There is hiking and biking in summer and skiing in winter.  Heck, I could move here in ten years and never run out of things to do before I die. And I bet my mind would stay healthy until the end of my life.

I've scheduled this and the next blog to come out while I'm traveling, mostly off the Internet.  I'll be visiting campsites and interesting places in Eastern Montana, northeastern Wyoming, South Dakota, and Minnesota for two weeks before paddling in the Boundary Waters for eight days. 


  1. We are not fans of the desert and the heat, but your photos sure make me want to come out to Santa Fe for a visit. They are beautiful and you really have an eye for composition!

    1. Heat? What heat? I think the hottest it got was in the 80's while we were there. This is my third or fourth trip to Santa Fe and I've done different things each time. Thanks for the complement on the pictures.

  2. You should work for the tourist bureau in Santa Fe, what a great visual invitation you have given. These pictures are just gorgeous and as artistic as you say the city is. I wanted to visit Santa Fe but now I am really interested.

    But even so, I'd give up Santa Fe for 8 days paddling in the Boundary Waters for sure. I cannot wait to hear about your time there. And what a great trip you'll be having on the way from Santa Fe to Minnesota.

    I'd like to learn about this "scheduling" blogs for when you are gone.

    Really have enjoyed this post Marilyn.

    1. Why choose. Eventually you can do it all. Maybe you ought to choose the Boundary Waters first, since you have to carry all your stuff on a portage. This time, I'm going to let my friend carry the canoe so I can use my walking sticks with the other packs. But if you are rich, you can go on a guided, catered tour and not have to haul your stuff or cook.

      I'll write you about scheduling the blogs.
