Roseate Spoonbills on Big Slough

Roseate Spoonbills on Big Slough
Roseate Spoonbills on Big Slough

Friday, July 12, 2013

Water Expressions at Glacier National Park

What seemed to me to most spectacular thing about Glacier National Park was all the ways water manifested. I saw it as little jewels in droplets,

Coalescing dew drops
as drips off rock walls,

Dripping Water in Sunrift George
in streams,

McDonald Creek

Fish Creek
in little puddles and alpine lakes,

Kintla Lake

Lake Bowman
as torrents,

Snow melt near The Loop on Going-to-the-Sun Road

and thundering waterfalls.

Waterfalls on McDonald Creek

St. Mary Waterfalls


Lower Volume

Higher Volume
fuming and spraying.

St Mary's Waterfalls

Even in other states of matter: solids,

Salamander Glacier in Many Glaciers
 and gas.

View in Many Glaciers

Clouds on West Side of Glacier National Park
 My left brain reminded me of how special the chemical water is - it's the only one we can experience on earth in all three states.  How moving water generates awesome power. And how everything on earth is mostly water.

Then my right brain chimed in with all the ways water gives us beauty, excitement, calmness, and joy. It's definitely the stuff of life and spirit.


  1. Lovely post. The variety seems endless. But then our days to view the frozen variety are ending. I feel privileged to have seen in through these past decades. Each time I view Glaciers beauty it is as if I saw it for the first time.

    1. Yes the actual glaciers will be gone, probably by 2030. And its beauty is ever changing, with the seasons, the rainfall, the light, and the clouds.

  2. Sometimes it seems like water is truly the "blood" of our planet. Beautiful post.
