Roseate Spoonbills on Big Slough

Roseate Spoonbills on Big Slough
Roseate Spoonbills on Big Slough

Monday, February 23, 2015

Krewe of Barkus & Meoux Parade

Whoops! I forgot to set this up to run last Sunday.  Currently postponing my next adventures due to icy mist and cold.  But I'll be camping at three different state parks this week.

I multitasked Sunday afternoon, February 14,  and got in a walk as well as taking in a parade. I thought the pet parade might be fun to watch and was not disappointed.

Most of the pets were dogs, but there was one pony, one turtle, one snake, one laid-back cat, 3 or 4 ferrets. and 2 goats, one of which walked as well on a leash as any dog.  Many of the spectator pets were as dressed up as the participant pets.  I walked up the Boardwalk from about 43rd street until I passed all the parade.  Then I just turned around and went back home.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures. If you love looking at pets, the rest are here.


All the young at heart had a good time

Two of the ferrets

The leash -trained kid

The only pony was having to work

The totally laid back cat.....

..... was followed by an equally laid - back bloodhound

Most of the snake was around front but I wanted its head

Many children and dogs were in strollers or wagons, sometimes together

This guy was WAY more decorated than was his dog

This very sweet dog is looking for a forever home

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